Friday, September 10, 2010

T.M.I. Friday

Then: september 1962

Age: new
Where did I live? Ethiopia
Occupation: enduring burden
Romantic Status: food
My BFFs: None.
I spent way too much time: crying
I spent not enough time: sleeping
I wanted to be when I grew up: no concept
Biggest concern: food
What my biggest concern should have been: food
Fun night out: food and a clean diaper
Dumbest thing I did that year: came out of the womb
If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: don't be such a dickhead
What do I miss most from 1962: not remembering it
What do I miss least from 1962: n/a

then: september 1970

Age: 8
Where do I live: Binghampton, NY
Occupation: enduring burden
Romantic Status: none
My BFFs: none
I spend way too much time: trying not to get beat up in school
I spend not enough time: minding my own business
I want to be when I grow up: artist
Biggest concern: getting beaten up in school
What my biggest concern should be: not being such a dickhead
Fun night out: drive-in movie
Dumbest thing I did that year: mouthed off to a class mate that was way bigger and way dumber
If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: don't be such a dickhead
What do I miss most from 1970: not much, it really sucked
What do I miss least from 1970: the whole thing
What did I accomplished in those 8 years that I am most proud of: did well in school

then: september 1980

Age: 18
Where do I live: Ayer, Ma
Occupation: student/lumber yard lackey
Romantic Status: none
My BFFs: none
I spend way too much time: partying
I spend not enough time: studying
I want to be when I grow up: musician
Biggest concern: getting laid
What my biggest concern should be: getting into college
Fun night out: loud music, booze, dope, get laid
Dumbest thing I did year: slacked off in school
If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: don't be such a dickhead
What do I miss most from 1980: not really caring about anything, and not having to
What do I miss least from 1980: having no direction or purpose in life
What have I accomplished in those 10 years that I am most proud of: won an audition to be part of an orchestra that toured europe, and going.

then: september 1990

Age: 28
Where do I live: chelmsford, MA
Occupation: engineering technian
Romantic Status: married (1st)
My BFFs: still none
I spend way too much time: thinking I was going to be a good bike racer
I spend not enough time: staying in school to finish my degree
I want to be when I grow up: unclear at that point
Biggest concern: training
What my biggest concern should be: staying in school to finish my degree
Fun night out: Loud music and getting laid
Dumbest thing I did that year: didn't stay in school
If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: don't be such a dickhead
What do I miss most from 1990: great sex
What do I miss least from 1990: every other aspect of my 1st marriage
What have I accomplished in those 10 years that I am most proud of: Didn't end up dead.

then: september 2000

Age: 38
Where do I live: Haverhill, MA
Occupation: Test Engineer
Romantic Status: married (2nd)
My BFFs: wife
I spend way too much time: spending money
I spend not enough time: saving money
I want to be when I grow up: something to do with cycling
Biggest concern: not having the money to retire comfortably
What my biggest concern should be: not having the money to retire comfortably
Fun night out: loud music, get laid
Dumbest thing I have done this year: Didn't save enough money
If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: Start saving money, dickhead
What do I miss most from 2000: My daughter was sweet, little, and cute
What do I miss least from 2000: My idiot neighbor
What have I accomplished in those 10 years that I am most proud of: Finally got most of my shit together

now: september 2010

Age: 48
Where do I live: Haverhill, MA
Occupation: Engineering Lab Manager
Romantic Status: Married (2nd)
My BFFs: wife
I spend way too much time: surfing porn and not saving money
I spend not enough time: saving money
I want to be when I grow up: still something to do with cycling
Biggest concern: That the US will turn into a corporate-fascist excuse for a democracy.
What my biggest concern should be: making sure we have enough savings to retire comfortably
Fun night out: loud music, getting laid
Dumbest thing I have done this year: spent too much time fucking around on the fucking web
What I think I would say to myself in 10 years: You still didn't save enough money...didja dickhead...
What have I accomplished in those 10 years that I am most proud of: Did manage to put together some semblance of a reasonable retirement plan.


Amanda said...

...and you *still* have a great relationship with your wife. that's one hell of an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday....?!;-X
Interesting map....somethings change. Somethings are not meant to change. Self realisation is courage. It takes courage. Nice.